Birding Gear

A Basic Birdwatching Equipment List
One of the great attractions of birdwatching is its simplicity. There are no set rules for birdwatching, no minimum requirements to meet and no real expectations other than spending some enjoyable time with the birds and your friends.
Other Gear you Should Bring When Birdwatching
Here are a number of items you might want to bring with you on a birdwatching trip. They have nothing to do with finding or identifying birds but everything to do with making your day safer or just more pleasant.
A More Extensive Birdwatching Equipment List
You don’t require a huge pile of equipment for a birdwatching trip; the only things you really need are a field guide, a pair of binoculars and some enthusiasm. However, there are a number of other things you may want to bring along, especially once you have been overwhelmed by the birdwatching bug and have decided it could become a serious hobby.