I wrote a book about birds.

And I put it on Amazon so it would sell millions of copies and I would become rich and famous and have legions of followers and admirers and I could buy fancy cars and take long bird watching trips to far away, exotic locales, but among the many, many (oh so many!) things to do to get a website up and running (or in my case, several websites) I have still not found the time to put up a landing page here to tell you about the book and why you should buy it (although the part I already mentioned about becoming rich and famous is pretty self-explanatory) so I am just putting up this text in its place so that you would not arrive here and find just an empty page which, to be honest, is very frustrating for visitors to any website and I did not want you to have a bad experience on my website, hence this explanation as to why even though the menu heading says “Ebook” and you took the time to visit this page there is nothing on it about my book, at least you will find this justifiable lame excuse for why there is nothing else on this page.


And now that I think of it, in the time it took to write this reasonable dreadful explanation and format it so that it looks professional acceptable legible, I could have designed and built a landing page that actually shows the book instead of a long-winded, blathering diatribe about why there isn’t one already here.

So, yeah.

But it will be here soon (ish).

I promise hope.